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Characteristics of Drug Users


Drug abuse is a problem that can impact anyone at any age. Drug use is motivated by a complex interplay of factors, but there are certain qualities that generally typify the people who abuse substances. Recognizing these red flags can help detect drug use early, so that prevention and treatment may follow. This article address the traits of drug users, indications of substance abuse and reasons why they are hitting up.

Physical Attributes of Drug Abusers

His or her first visible physical signs of drug abuse commonly are one in all the simplest manners, by that to trace a drag. These signs of physical withdrawal can be different depending on the drug that was being abused, but here are a few very common symptoms:

Bleeding Eyes and Pupil Constriction

Specifically, bloodshot or red eyes are a hallmark of drug users. These changes can be due to substances like marijuana, alcohol and stimulants such as cocaine. Additionally, it is able to cause abnormal changes in the size of your pupils; they may be larger or smaller depending on which kind of drug you have used.

Weight Fluctuations

Quick weight loss and gain is another indicator that someone may be abusing drugs. Appetite suppression.Appetites tend to be suppressed by stimulants such as methamphetamine or cocaine, with rapid weight-loss becoming a common side effect. On the other end of things, some substances like alcohol can add calories which could directly contribute to weight gain.

Appearance/Failing to attend off course:

Individuals linked with drugs, then they care less about personal grooming and hygiene. This can be not you taking a bath nowadays, carrying dirty chaparreras or even developing sloppily. It is not uncommon for people with substance abuse problems to put drug use before taking care of themselves.

Track Marks and Skin Problems

IV drug users, for instance, might have needle marks that show on their bodies ( arms/legs, etc.). Another message will be in the form of skin issues such as acne, sores or infections that develop because they never cared for hygiene or do to drug responses.

Behavioral Traits of Addicts

Typically appendant to drug use are pattern changes which usually occur in a person. These may be very small at first, but as they build up over a week or two weeks, your daily life starts to become effected by the changes you are going through. Drug users share a number of behavioral traits, including:

They may become more secretive and withdrawn.

Family and friends will notice the withdrawal drug users start to convey. This is why really often they will hide their actions, isolating themselves from everyone and spending time on their own or with another group of individuals who do the exact same thing. Problem drug use is kept hidden with people generally becoming more isolated from others.

Rapid shifts in emotion, from happy to angry sad any other —+ Anger and short temper.

Abrupt changes in mood is another characteristic of a drug abuser. For some substances, a person may experience an intense high (euphoria), followed by lows that can be quite severe depression. When the chronic drug user cannot access his or her preferred drugs, irritability, aggression and/or anxiety may occur.

Questionable and unaccounted for spending and money problems

Drug addiction, particularly if not recognized early enough; it is a habit of spending money recklessly and when you don't have the means or simply being in debt. Funds — Regularly hitting you up for money, pawning important items or stealing to get their fixes.

Drop in Academic or Professional Results

There are also cognitive or affective correlates, and substance abuse may impair a persons mental faculties so much as to make that person unable (if not unwilling) to work but rest off the day at school. It can look like regular truancy, poor attention spans or deteriorating grades or productivity.

Have fills, heavy payloads containing psychological and emotional characteristics

Substance abuse is often associated with psychological and emotional changes. These alterations can occur as a consequence of the drug action in the brain or due to stress and lifestyle changes associated with addictions. Some of the most important psychological attributes;

Paranoia and Anxiety

As well, certain drugs (most notably the stimulants cocaine and methamphetamine) may cause paranoia and anxiety. They may start feeling unduly paranoid, anxious or afraid for no good reason.

Suffering from depression and despair

Chemicals in the brain that are released and/or inhibited by long term drug use can contribute to depressive symptoms. People go through episodes where they feel super low, like have no hope in life or things to do or even suicidal thoughts.

Impulsivity and Risk-Taking

It obstructs their judgement and the ability to think objectively. This can lead to things like impaired driving, unprotected sex or crime.

Background FactorsRelated To Drug Use

To get a better insight into the profile of drug users, we must examine the elements that may contribute to substance abuse in relation with social and environmental causes. These factors include:

The Influence of Peer Pressure and Societal Environment

Friend or social group influences: This is why a huge number of people engage in the use of drugs. If drug use is perceived to be a common behavior within a peer group, people are more likely to engage in it.

Trauma and Mental Illnes

For many people, trauma or underlying mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and PTSD are often at the root of why some turn to drugs in a coping mechanism. It has been known for a while that when we use any substance, it tends to numb the pain momentarily and then pushes us further into dependence cascading down.

Genetics and Family History

Addiction is also genetic. People with a family history of addiction are at even greater risk for substance abuse.SEVERANCE;


It is very important to identify the profile of drug user in order to effectively prepare and intervene. Changes in weight, isolating behaviors and even paranoia are some of the physical signs that one is maybe on drugs. Also, social and environmental determinants such as parental guidance, trauma experience & some genetic factors may affect the proclivity to addiction. Understanding these qualities could ultimately help in offering support and orienting the victims to a recovery course.

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